Mango Graham Ice Cream Float



All Purpose Cream               400g
Condensed Milk                    300g
Vanilla                                     1/2tsp
Mango (cut lengthwise)        5-6pcs( whole mango)
Graham Biscuit                       1pack
Crushed Graham                     50g
Mango Puree (optional)
Topping Cream (optional)

1. Beat all purpose cream until double in size.
2. Ads condensed milk and vanilla mix for 5 minutes, set aside.
3. In a rectangular container lay your graham biscuit then add cream/condensed  mixture then add mangoes.
4. Repeat until you fill the the container but in the middle part and top/last part use crushed graham.
5. Add topping cream combined with mango puree.
6. Cover and freeze overnight.


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